From the moment I first opened my eyes in the small town of Shumen, I was surrounded by the rich traditions and stories that shaped my early years. Born on 30.12.1993, I quickly learned that life is a series of challenges, opportunities, and lessons - each one contributing to the person I am today. My journey, filled with triumphs, setbacks, and unforgettable experiences, has been defined by an unwavering passion for Art and a deep commitment to creating works of art in any form. This is the story of my life - how I have navigated the highs and lows, and the values and beliefs that continue to guide me along the way.


The seeds of my passion for art and design were planted early, but it wasn't until I enrolled at the National Art Academy of Sofia that they truly began to flourish. My time at the Academy was transformative, providing me with both a solid foundation in the principles of design and the freedom to explore my own creative voice. Surrounded by inspiring mentors and like-minded peers, I honed my skills in everything from typography and color theory to digital illustration and branding.

After graduating with a degree in Graphic Design, I embarked on a career that has spanned over seven years, during which I've had the privilege of working on a diverse array of projects. From collaborating with local businesses to elevate their brand identities, to contributing to large-scale campaigns for international clients, each project has been a unique opportunity to push the boundaries of my creativity. The fast-paced, ever-evolving nature of the design world has kept me on my toes, constantly challenging me to learn new techniques and stay ahead of industry trends.


One of the most rewarding aspects of my career has been the ability to see my designs come to life in the real world. Whether it's the satisfaction of seeing a logo I designed proudly displayed on a storefront, or the excitement of watching a digital campaign I created resonate with a global audience, these moments serve as powerful reminders of why I chose this path.

Throughout my career, I've also had the opportunity to work with some truly incredible clients. Each collaboration has not only expanded my skill set but also deepened my understanding of how design can solve real-world problems and connect people on an emotional level.


As I look to the future, I'm more motivated than ever to continue growing as a designer and to take on new challenges that push the boundaries of my creativity. The past seven years have been an incredible journey, and I can't wait to see where my passion for design will take me next.